Swamiji - A Memorial
Swamiji - A Memorial (2023)
Documentary HD, 4:30mins
Status: Completed
A personal memorial to Yogi Master Swami Chandrasekharanand Saraswati (1930-2016)
Swami Chandrasekharanand Saraswati was 27 years old when he met his own master, took vows of renunciation and entered into a strict monastic order founded by a great siddha and adept, Gomatagiri Maharaj, a Swami of an order of Adi Shankaracharaya. As is customary for a successor of a lineage, 500 years of ancient knowledge of Yoga, Vedanta and the science of Kundalini were passed on to him.
He reached the spiritual goal, Samadhi, at the age of 33. When his master instructed him to become a wandering monk, a sadhu, with just one cloth and matted hair, he walked twice the length and breadth of India barefooted for twenty years, while providing service to the villages - never knowing where you would sleep or eat next.
After those wandering years he started to guide people who were seeking spiritual help with his spiritual direction service Patanjali Kundalini Yoga Care (PKYC). His 600-years old linage is now being continued by a woman, Viryananda Saraswati, in Europe & India.
The memorial video has been completed and can be viewed in full length above.